

BAGHDAD, Iraq- On April 29,2013 Monday 10:31am EDT. The car bomb in Shi'ite killed atleast 23 people . It is said to be Muslim areas. Officials said that while we concern a week's nearly 200 death occured. Fighting have increased due to civil war in Syria, uncertainly there would be a relations between Sunnis and Shi'ites.

The camp for blood-letting undertaken latestly began near kirkku last week that spread to Sunni areas borders of Syria and Jordan.
It is the second explosion this year in the Traibil border in Anbar.

On Monday morning two car bomb explosion in Amara nearly
about 300km (185 miles) southeast of Baghdad killed atleast 9 people and 40 were injured. The first blast took place in a Amara market. The people in market were meeting to eat breakfast a car explosion held.

Secondly, th eblast took place in day labourer's were join together for work.

Nearly 150km south of Baghdad  another car bomb was blast in a market in Diwaniya, killed two people said police.

The Parliament (Osama al- Nujaifi) said to avoid the dangerous civil war and prepare  for an coming parlimentry election.    
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