

According to The World Health Organisation says that novel coronavirus (NCoV) is passed by person to person who are in close contact. It is confirmed with the French health ministry. Two more people in Saudi Arabia was died due to the coronavirus. This NCov causes pheumonia and kidney failure. Since 2012, there are 33 confirmed across Europe in the Middle East with 18 deaths , WHO reported.

Since May 2013,It is estimated that 15 people died in Saudi Arabia and nine of them recently report. Most of the males are affected due to the NCoV with an age of 24 to 94 years.

A 50-years-old man confirmed in France's hospital and 65-year-old
man was caused virus infection in Dubai.

Three member of the family became infected England and a patient died in Birmingham hospital in February. Coronavirus infected the respiratory infections in both human an animals.
World Latest New Trends Article Update by Kanchanamala