

Doodh Peda is a special sweet recipe which is made up of milk. It is a rich and delicious delight soft sweet. The ingredients used are home made Paneer one cup, one-third cup of milk powder, one small cup of milk, 50g of unsalted butter, one cup of sugar, one-fourth tsp of cardamom powder, garnishing purpose add Pistachios.

                        Take a non-stick pan and melt butter, add milk. Stir it well and let it boil. Then add milk powder and mixed it nicely. At the time now put Paneer and again mix it well in a medium flame. After some minutes the mixture comes with stirring. Concentrate on the mixture, to mix it continously in the bottom till it gets thickness. Allow it cool for some minutes. Then add sugar and cardamom powder. Now, the sugar melts with the mixture to smooth contents.

Make all the mixtures into small flatten shapes. Have Pistachious
on top of the sweet for garnishing purpose. After 20 minutes serve Doodh Peda sweet for neighbours and enjoy the Diwali with delicious Pedas. 
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