

"The Big Wedding" is a upcoming Hollywood movie which directed by Justin Zackham and produced by Richard Salvatore, Harry J. Ufland, screenplay by Justin Zackham and the cast of this films are Robert De Niro, Diana Keaton,Ben Barnes, Katherin Heligl, Amanda Seyfried, Topher Grace, Susan Saranden, Robin Williams. Music was done by Nathan Ban.The movie running time was 89 minutes and yet to be released on April 26th 2013.

Film role character names
  • Robert De Niro                  - Don Griffin
  • Diana Keaton                     - Ellie Griffin
  • Ben  Barnes                        -  Alejandro Griffin
  • Katherin Heligl                  - Lyla Griffin
  • Amanda Seyfried               - Misy O' Connol
  • Topher Grace                     - Jared Griffin
  • Susan Saranden                 - Bebe Mc Bride
  • Robin Williams                 - Father Monighan     

         Don Griffin and Ellie Griffin was a long married couple and unfortunately they got divorced. They two ar forced to act as happily married couple because of their adopted son, Alejandro.The wedding if for Alejandro. On that time Alejandro original mother entering from Catholic to Colombia for attending the marriage.

However, Alejandro coming to know that he was a illegal adopted child for  suitable period. And that only he is coming to know about his parents divorced longer period. 

All the truth coming to an end. The Big Wedding happen with full of joy and funny family and friends...  
 It is almost a romantic and comedy movie coming soon to your theaters,,,,,, 
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