

According to new study stated that some statins known as cholesterol lowering medication increase the risk of diabetes in types of two. The risk caused in patients by taking drugs Atorvastatin (Liptor), Rosuvastatin (crestor) and Simvastatin (Zocor). Statins are generally used for the prevention of cardiovascular events. 

Researches studies that 27% are caused due to risk of diabetes with rosuvastatin and in on other side it found that having pravastatin may lowered the risk of diabetes by 30%.

The Ontario Drug Benefit database, the Canadian Institute for Health Information Discharge Abstract Database and he Ontario Diabetes Database, the investigators from Canada held a study on 1.5 million residents people in Ontario, Canada. The people were among age of 66 or older has the primary outcome of diabetes diseases.

The diseases includes the statins drugs are

  • Fluvastatin.
  • Lovastatin.
  • Pravastatin.
  • Simvastati.
  • Atorvastatin.
  • Rosuvastatin.

However, Atorvastatin estimated that incoming risk, due to 22% of new-onset diabetes, Rosuvastatin-18% and Simvastatin-10%  while compared to Pravastatin. Likewise, Fluvastatin - 5% and Lovastatin-1%  decrease the risk of diabetes.

The study conducted by Harvard suggest that by taking statins outweigh the risk of increasing diabetes due to cardiac benefits. And there were a another study argued that older women who all taking statins have a increasing risk of diabetes those who are in Menopause.

Taking statins drugs leads to diabetes disease in human. 

Keywords:  Diabetes, Statins.

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