

On Sunday May 19th 2013-  NASA's "Curiosity Rover" mission by using its Robotic Arms drilled into a rock " Cumberland" in mars to collect the samples for the study.

According to NASA this is the second time the mission has drilled the rock for samples. NASA report says that in march curiosity rover during its first drill-on mars has seen some life support evidence on mars years ago on February 8 the data which shows from the first drillers the rock in mars has found the chemicals for life support like sulphur nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorous and carbon. 

By these initial NASA hopes that there is a life support factor on

mars during its past years in microbial form. So NASA sent super rover curiosity mission to proceed its study n future. 

NASA says curiosity mission begin its study from mount sharp which is middle of crater where curiosity landed on mars last August. Mount sharp is  main area for curiosity rover to study the planet for the survival of life  in its two year mission  project. 

The Curiosity Rover mission has unique 10 scientific instrument which is most advance technology include chemical instrument, environment sensors and sadiahion monitors which is not used in early mission to study mars planet.

NASA on Monday May 20th 2013 said that the date information about the second drilling of rock in Red Planet pected to back up or dispute the earlier information.
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