

Exercise makes our body fit and healthy. Although, it may also cause lower risk in preventing kidney stones. According to Dr. Mathew Sorensen of the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, says that a little amount of exercise cause lower risk top kidney stone in women.

Nearly 9 percent of people getting a kidney stone problem in their life. It mostly cause to women while we compared to men in the world. Over 15 years it reaches 70 percent rapidly among women.

The doctors says that research measures nearly 85,000 women aged 50 and older affected by gauge of obesity. It is also surveys that to decrease the risk of kidney stone is by drinking liquid items and eating less salt or meat.

Usually, 10 METs per week is about 21/2 hours of walking, four
hours of light gardening and one hour of jogging. Compare to the women who all getting regular exercise of 5 METs per week had a 16 percent of lower risk for kidney stones. The disease was controlled due to 31 percent for 10 METs or more.

However, people should drink water and fluids, less of eating sweat or salt reduce the risk of preventing from kidney stone in our body.

Exercise reduce Kidney stone in our body.
Efficient of exercise control kidney disease in human beings
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