According to NASA administration, the space telescope Kepler had got fault in wheel. The wheel has been broken it seems. Among four wheels, two got faulted. Atleast three wheels are needed to the telescope for working condition.
NASA administrator John GrunSfeld, says that it had a problem on working telescope. Kepler telescope was launched in 2009 to detect the periodic variation in the brightness of stars. Astronauts in 2013, January found using Kepler telescope that there are atleast 17 Billion earth sized planets in our Galaxy.
But in last July Kepler 's telescope working one of its four wheels
get repaired. Mr.Grunsfeld to AFP News agency said that Tuesday. When the telescope go into a Pre-programmed. Now the telescope put into rest state and decide by the team member how to proceed in future.
Last November Kepler completed its three and half year mission and now it works in extended phase. Scientist says that Kepler discovered two earth like planets. They move around Kepler-62 star in the constellation Lyra-1200 light years from the years.
The scientist in U.S space agency said that Kepler had given a vast data information to discover new things in future.
Article of Kepler telescope wheel repaired.
NASA administrator John GrunSfeld, says that it had a problem on working telescope. Kepler telescope was launched in 2009 to detect the periodic variation in the brightness of stars. Astronauts in 2013, January found using Kepler telescope that there are atleast 17 Billion earth sized planets in our Galaxy.
But in last July Kepler 's telescope working one of its four wheels
get repaired. Mr.Grunsfeld to AFP News agency said that Tuesday. When the telescope go into a Pre-programmed. Now the telescope put into rest state and decide by the team member how to proceed in future.
Last November Kepler completed its three and half year mission and now it works in extended phase. Scientist says that Kepler discovered two earth like planets. They move around Kepler-62 star in the constellation Lyra-1200 light years from the years.
The scientist in U.S space agency said that Kepler had given a vast data information to discover new things in future.
Article of Kepler telescope wheel repaired.