

In recent study researches have found that the world highest peak
Mt. Everest  declines 13% in last 50 years. Sudeep Thakuri, scientist in university of Milan lead a research said that the glaciers in the Mt. Everest is slowly melts due to climate change and has decreased by 590 feet.  

During a meeting at Mexico by American Geographical Union said that due to human activities increases the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere changes the global climate. The researches made a study by satellite imagery and topographic maps of Mt. Everest and Sagarmata national park. 

Their study says that glaciers in the national park melts at a faster
rate. The tiny glaciers in the surface of decline by 43%. According to the data the average temperature rises to 1 degree Farahenit released by Nepal 's department of  Hydrology and Metrology . The precipitation has lowered nearly 4 inches during pre monsoon and winter months. 

Thakuri said that the Asian population depends on the Himalayans glaciers and ice caps with supplies water during summer season. Population of Asia depends on melting water in Himalayas for agriculture, drinking and hydro electricity production. 

The Intergovernmental panel on climate change said that glaciers in the regions is predicted to melt by 2035. Gravity recovery and climate  experiment (GRACE) satellite vision show that particularly in Tibetan Plateau the glaciers melts one-tenth of rate. 

Researches said that the glaciers are melting over 30 years in Tibetan plateau especially in summer season due to rise in temperature. 

World Latest New Trends Article Update by Kanchanamala