

The hybrid flying car designers at Terrafugia with the biggest achievement. It contains of four person capacity flying car with tilting engine which is vertically take off and take on. It can be introduced to the production in 2025.

The company from MIT - four years later introduced of its transition flying car with two-seater folding wings that runs on unleaded gas.

Flight testing of the transition car was taken over last year and doubting of its expected price is nearly $279,000 per car. The company is planning next idea of new production. While recently said a new model of TF-X which uses twin tilting electric engines and folding. The flying-car allow take off in less than 100 feet using an automatic flight system.

When the flight move forward 300- horsepower rear engine will
take over . The engine consists of batteries range of 500 miles or regular fuel. It is almost controlled by computer control system pratically when take off and landing.

Carl Dietrich said that "We are passionate about the creation of a flying car industry and we are waiting for vision of the transport to the world.

Terrafugia is the popular company, the transition is the final commercial products. However, under authorities transition driver need sports license to fly which requires 20 hours of flight time and have compulsory aeronautical knowledge. The vehicle has been declared exempt from certain road safety by the U.S Department of Transportation.
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