

According to research exposure to pesticides leads to risk of Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease is a incurable and progressive neuro degenrative disease which include tremor, rigidity slowness of movement. 

Symptoms of Parkinson's disease are Tremor or Shaking of hand or leg on one side of body, stiffness in muscles, slow movement of persons, weakness of face and throat muscles, difficult to walk. The early symptoms is tremor shaking of hand and legs especially one side of body. 

Dr. James Bower a neurologist in mayo clinic in Rochester said that the study of Parkinson's disease can't prove that pesticides cause neurologist problems to people. U.S Farm workers from National Institute of Health found in 2011 that the pesticides may affect the cell function which cause Parkinson's disease

In 2012, a research said that people who are often exposed to
pesticides like to have the risk of Parkinson's disease than those who are not exposed to pesticides. In America Parkinson disease affect about 5,00,000 people. 

Dr. Emanuela Cereda, of IRCCS in Pavia, Italy examined that the link between pesticides shows risk of Parkinson's disease. The research found that 58 percent of people are effect of development of Parkinson's disease due to exposure of pesticides. 

The pesticides like Paraquat and fungus killer Maneb and mancozeb involves in risk of Parkinson's disease when exposed by people. These research are more suitable for farm workers who continously use pesticides, said Dr. Bower. 

Dr. Cereda said to Reuters Health in a email that the people should protect themselves with proper equipment whole using or avoid in contact with pesticides. 

U.S. occupational safety and Healthy Administration (OSHA) recommends the people to handle safety measures while using Pesticides. 

Aware of Parkinson's Diseases.
Keywords: Parkinson's Diseases.
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