

The Scientist found that Jupiter Planet has water in its stratosphere due to the impact of comet with the planet.The scientist study the information of Herschel space observatory shows that the Jupiter planet has water source in Southern Hemishpere more than the Northern Hemisphere.They found that water in the upper hemisphere is due to external origins.

The origin that scientist says that the Shoe Maker-Levy9 comet which impact Jupiter planet in 1994. Comets are generally made up of Ice and Rocks. So when they impact on planet would have the power to blast huge amount of water to the planet surface  in the upper atmosphere.

ThiBault Cavalie study from laboratorie d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux in France says that from the study that asymentry between two hemisphere suggest that water was delivered during the first impact event of the comet to the planet.

Dependent on weather condition the chemical substance are
transferred in Neutral or Ionizied form.

The water source was higher in either polar or equator but not in northern and southern hemisphere. He further says that the Shoe Maker Levy9 comet impact on Jupiter about 95% of water in the stratosphere

The results about the study of comet impact on planet makes the water source concluded the mistery and gives a solution for scientist debate in last few years.   
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